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1) a forward movement in space or time (course)

2) far away in space or time (distant)

3) having much extent in space (length); to want, wish for, a person, thing very much (long)

4) a sharp end (of a pin, pencil etc); a marked place or position in space or time; a small dot (as if) made by the point of a pencil etc; a main piece of information, idea or thought in an argument (point)

5) an apparatus that uses radio waves to find stars in space (radio-telescope)

6) very far away in space or time; widely separated (remote)

7) having only a little extent in space (length); (of a person, mountain etc) below the average or usual height; having, taking, a little time (short)

8) of or concerning people, things, events etc mentioned, known etc; of, concerning, people or things farther in space or time (those)

go before

to live (and die) before

go ahead of


to come or go before (another or others) in time, place or order

go ahead of

IN SPACE as in Wiktionary
IN SPACE as in Wikipedia